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 Fruit Trifle Recipe


 Fruit Trifle Recipe


– 1 pound (450g) pound cake or sponge cake, cut into cubes
– 1 cup (240ml) fresh orange juice
– 2 cups (480ml) vanilla custard
– 1 cup (240ml) strawberry jam
– 1 cup (240ml) heavy cream
– 1/4 cup (30g) powdered sugar
– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1 cup (150g) fresh strawberries, sliced
– 1 cup (150g) fresh peaches, diced
– 1 cup (150g) fresh mango, diced


1. **Prepare the Cake Base**: Place the cubed cake in a large trifle dish or a large glass bowl. Pour the orange juice over the cake cubes to soak them.

2. **Layer with Jam and Custard**: Spread a layer of strawberry jam over the soaked cake cubes. Then pour half of the vanilla custard over the jam layer.

3. **Add Fresh Fruits**: Layer half of the sliced strawberries, diced peaches, and diced mango on top of the custard.

4. **Repeat Layers**: Repeat the layers with the remaining cake cubes, jam, custard, and fresh fruits.


5. **Whip the Cream**: In a large mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream with powdered sugar and vanilla extract until soft peaks form.

6. **Top the Trifle**: Spread the whipped cream evenly on top of the final fruit layer.

7. **Chill**: Cover the trifle and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, allowing the flavors to meld together.

8. **Serve**: Before serving, you can garnish the trifle with additional fresh fruit or a drizzle of jam if desired.

Enjoy your delicious fruit trifle!


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